Gods Word for today …

This says GOD :

Many seek life and fullfillment, but find emptyness. Many are depressed, because of all the things that frighten them. Many are stressed. Many seek their way out in music, sports, sex, drugs, alcohol, art… etc. Still there are moments, that they long for more. Life abundantly. Many seek their satisfaction in money, wealth, social media… and still can be poor and empty and lonely or even harmed by abusive people. My advice to all : Come back to Me, ye children of men. I, YHWH GOD, AM the GOD who gives life… and even eternal life as a free gift to all who believe in Me and My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I YHWH GOD AM.

Prophecy 29/12/2017. by The Candle.

He who opens his heart for God’s love… is like a flower that opens for the light of the sun. God’s light and love opens the hearts for more light of love and truth and more love towards other people and creation.