God is love… but hates sin.

This says GOD :

I YHWH AM the GOD of creation. My holiness is known to all who really knew or know Me. I AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth. No-one is like I AM. Many people searched for the truth during all ages, but were often led astray by means of the schemes of the evil one… and evil people. I AM. Still I was speaking to mankind. But who was really listening to My holy voice/word ? Many were looking for life and satisfaction, but rejected Me, the Source of LIFE and LOVE. I AM. Therefore I again try to speak to people. My hope is that they will listen, so that I can forgive their sins… and help them to get eternal LIFE and overflowing LIFE and real joy by means of My grace and love and truth. I AM.

Prophecy, 15.01.2018. The Candle.