The Word of GOD.

In This age many don’t know the word of God.

Because of this fact, many don’t know God… nor His works in creation. If mankind would be interested in God and in His thoughts and words and plan, than some things would be very different. But alas, many are even not willing to get to know Him nor His ways in creation nor willing to obey Him. Because of this, many things are causing troubles, problems, anxieties, worries and other sorrows. But God is still patient with humanity. But soon His patience will end and His holy judgements will increase upon mankind, because of their evil attitude and wickedness, by which they willingly deny Him and do all the things which are evil in His Holy Eyes. Therefore He will punish them with judgement on earth… and afterwards in eternity, if they remained/remain in doing evil. God is gracious and loving, but He is not a fool who will leave evil unpunished. His holy Wrath and Judgement are terrible, if they are poured out upon mankind, who resisted His Person, Son and Spirit and Holy angels and holy messengers/wittnesses and holy testimonies and their holy messages/words/prophecies. GOD is Holy, therefore allow Him to make you holy, so that you will be saved for eternity by means of His love and grace and truth… and True Gospel of reconcilation with God by means of the crucified Christ and his blood on the cross of Calvery and on the Arc of The Covenant. Amen.Trust God and his word and love more than lying sinfull people.

Message by The Candle. 18.12.2018.
