Glory will come…

This says GOD :

I AM the GOD of all existing things in creation, which are the work of My Hands. I AM. I called all things in the visible and invisible worlds in existence by My almighty Ghost and His words. I AM. Soon I will give the inheritance in My Kingdom to My beloved and chosen ones, who I loved from before foundation of creation. I AM. I chose them to become a holy priesthood and kingdom for My glory. I AM. Soon they will be gathered to see My glory in Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos. I AM. Many look forward to that glorious moment by My grace and truth. I AM. In these last days I will strengthen the weak in faith by means of My grace and truth and revelations and prophecies and dreams and visions etc. For I AM the Faithful One, who will never leave nor forsake My beloved children, sons and daughters. I AM. For I promissed and promiss them eternal life in glory with Me and My beloved and glorified Son Jesus the Christ. I AM. Therefore I shall prepare them all for the moment that He will come in My glory and power… to take Our beloved ones Home in Glory. Amen. I, YHVH-GOD, AM. Amen ; says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 05.03.2020. Received by The Candle.