How to be saved for eternity… ?

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, the GOD of the universes, the Great I AM :

“Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM the Supreme Commander who is in charge of all universes. I AM. No-one has the powers that I have. I AM. Lucifer/Satan is just the evil one who lies and deceives and betrays you and seduced you. I AM. No-one is capable to hinder Me in My holy plan with and in My creation. Satan is a liar and the spirit of murder and the father of all lies and evil and cruelty. In him is no truth, for he always turns/twists her or mixes her with his lies and deceit and deception and seduction… and tries to get en keep control over all on the earth, for he fears Me and My Reign IN and through My Holy Almighty Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. For He and I are One. We are YHVH-Elochim, the YHVH-Gods, the Father YHVH, the Son YHVH saves the Anointed One and the Holy Breath/Holy Ghost of YHVH. I AM. WE are One and We have all powers in the universes and on and in the earth and Satan has only as much power as We gave him or allow him to have. I AM. “; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD and Father of creation. “Hear o ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM the GOD of revelation and prophecy… and reveal Myself in these last days before My glorious return to the earth to take over… and to take Satan/Lucifer captive. For We will throw him by an archai-angelos- into the dark pit… and will seal above him… and he will be a prisoner in darkness during Our reign on earth during thousand years. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation, the GOD of the heavens and the earth and of all universes and of all universal powers and energies, The Great I AM. “Hear, o nations of this endtime, I AM the GOD who you all should fear and not your betrayer Satan/Lucifer and their demons, For I have the power to destroy you and to throw your souls into a place of eternal endless suffering and condemnation with Lucifer/Satan, your deceiver and seducer and betrayer and jealous evildoer and murderer of precious souls, for who I gave My Son as a living Sacrifice on Calvery… so that that Innocent One should taste dead and Death and Scheol/Hades/Kingdom of Death instead of them and you… to purchase by His Innocent holy Blood / Life / Soul /Spirit and Body and suffering you out of the powers of darkness and of Satan/Lucifer/Morningstar. I AM. He paid the price for your lives to save them for eternity. He was the ransom. The Innocent Perfect One, The Lamb of GOD, who always fulfilled My holy will till the end, died for the guilty and evildoers… to forgive them their evil and to justify them/you, because of His redeeming/reconciling and saving holy work. I AM. He is The One, who has got all powers and authority to save whomever He wants by means of My and His Giving Goodness/Grace and love and truth… and great compassion with the lost ones, who would or will suffer in all eternity… unless they accept This Holy Sacrifice of the Pure and Holy and Perfect One, who is the Savior of all who believe My holy message here and now… by means of My Giving Goodness to them to their eternal salvation. I AM. For MY Son is The True Savior and no-one else. He is the True Mashiach/ True Christ/ True Anointed One… and no-one else. Only He has the power that controls all universes… and the earth… and all that is in her under My almighty Reign. I AM. No-one can deceive Me nor Him, for WE were from eternity to eternity… and are in all eternity, for We created the heavens and the earth. I AM. Blessed are all who read and hear or believe this holy message, that comes from My Heart and Mouth and Throne in creation. I AM. For no-one is capable to do what WE did… and will do in future days. I AM. Many longed to read and hear these words of saving grace and love and truth and of Our Heavenly Holy Perfect Righteousness, but couldn’t hear her because of Our plan from before foundation of creation… and because of the wickedness of Satan/Lucifer and his co-workers in the air and on the ground. I AM. But My grace is sufficient to save them ( the many) , for My Son Yeshua/Jesus died also for them and their ignorance… for Our love is so perfect, that WE justify all… because of the saving work of Our beloved holy Son. I AM. Many do not know the height, the depth and the wide and the length of Our heavenly eternal gracious love, by which We can save all that We want to save. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty Creator of universes, the Great I AM.

Prophecy by God’s Grace through The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
