Many will follow in the footsteps of the devil.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of Israel :

My holy word confesses that I AM. Many prophets prophecied about the coming of the Messiah/Christ, who would be slain. Still I AM continiously trying to reach out for people to save them for eternity. But alas… many are not willing to accept Me nor Him nor Our True gospel of salvation. Therefore I will bring judgement on people who rejected Us and Our love and saving work and gospel. Many will follow in the footsteps of the devil, for they long to be totally connected to his world of darkness by choosing a life on earth that is independent from Us. Many are already under the wrath of Us, but deny it and are not willing to acknowledge it nor willing to admit it to their family-members or beloved ones or colleagues. I AM. But I will reveal it soon, when I will throw them into the lake of fire. I AM. Only My chosen and elected ones will be saved for eternity. I AM.

Prophecy 20.11.2018. by The Candle.

Choices of people… and their eternal destiny.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One :

Soon I will return. Be prepared, for the Son of men, the Son of God, God incarnated, soon will come. Many are concerned about much, but hesitate to accept our good news/gospel or are not willing to follow Jesus Christ or to suffer for Christ sake… and so they reject Us and Our gospel of salvation and Our messengers/wittnesses and Our holy books/biblia… and in doing so, they deny Me and My Son Y.H.W.H. and Our words… and reject their eternal salvation. Many will go lost for eternity and will be thrown into the lake of fire, because they chose the world, which is ruled by satan, and in doing so they chose to become sons and daughters and children of satan… and so his slaves to their eternal damnation. I, YHWH GOD, AM. Many will suffer here on earth and in all eternity, because they refused to be saved by My holy Love and grace and truth and holy saving and reconciling and sanctifying and justifying and completing and glorifying work IN Christ Jesus. I, YHWH GOD, AM. Allthough they could have been saved for all eternity, to live in eternal glory with Us in all eternity in Our heavenly Kingdom, they threw it away like garbage and chose eternal suffering, mourning, weeping, gnashing of teeth and pain. I YHWH wanted to save them, but they rejected. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 13.11.2018. by The Candle.

Real freedom… and True LIFE.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of Israel and creation :

Look around. What do you see ? Many seek life and peace and truth and joy and happiness and comfort and love, but are often disappointed in life and friendships and people surrounding them. Reason : They don’t seek Me nor My heavenly Kingdom and My holy righteousness. Their own soul/spirit is entangled by things and thoughtpatterns of the world and the desires of the flesh and of things of demonic origin, without knowing it. These satanic spirits/demons/fallen angels inspire many to deny God’s existence or to reject His Being or Ghost or Son and words/warnings and gospel of salvation/saving good news. Many are lost in this deception of the forces of darkness. Many think that they are free, but are slaves of evil influences. Many people are their slaves, but deny it or are not willing to acknowledge it or are not willing to repent from it… or are so in their evil powers bounded, that they can not free themselves anymore and need to be set free by My holy Ghost and His powers in My and Yeshua ha Mashiach’s/Jesus Christ’ holy names and grace and truth. Amen. I AM. Therefore I urge all people worldwide to return to Me and My beloved almighty Son Jesus Christ and to Our holy true disciples, who can deliver them or set them free from their bondages and captivity in Our holy almighty powerfull names and grace and love and truth and Holy Ghost-powers. I AM. My advice : Seek Me in honest serious eagerly prayer and We will hear and help and save and set free. If you have people who are possessed by evil spirits, than take them to My holy Temple, which is the gathering of My true saints on earth, so that My true faithfull disciples can set them free in the power of the faith that we gave/give them. I, YHWH-GOD, AM. Tell all who are willing to be saved to return to My holy Temple, which is build upon My holy eternal words and gospel of salvation and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and completion and glorification of all who believe our holy gospel… and who obey it according to the original apostle- and prophetic- teachings in My and Jesus Christ’ holy names. I AM. Those who will be born again out of water and Spirit of GOD will be saved, if they remain in this holy gospel and in My holy Temple. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy The Candle.

The fullness of the Deity…

This says GOD YHWH to the nations :

Soon I will show to all that I AM GOD above all gods of the world. I AM. For many think that their gods are awesome, although they worship fallen angels/demons and satan, the defeated enemy. I AM. Look… and be aware of the fact, that I AM in charge allthough it sometimes may seem as if it were not. But look at Him, who was, is… and always will be, who I AM. For I was on earth IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. He is My Son and Holy Temple of the fullness of My deity. I AM. Everyone who saw or sees Him, saw and sees Me. For HE and I are One. Many are not aware of this fact. Many think that He was just a prophet, but He is My Temple. I was and AM in Him and He was and is in Me. We are the GODs of creation, the Elohim above all elohim, which means translated : The Gods above all gods. I YHWH AM.

Prophecy 07.11.2018. by The Candle.

YHWH-Elohim glorified in future events.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One, the Allknowing GOD of creation :

In these days I will exalt My holy name above all nations, because of the things I will do in creation. Many will suffer in future, because of My holy judgements that I will pour out upon makind, for many are not willing to acknowledge Me nor my holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ nor Our holy words/gospel of salvation, by which they could have been saved… if they would have obeyed towards the eternal truths which are revealed in it, to save those who believe and repent and are willing to be transformed into the Image of Jesus Christ by the renewing of their mindset and thoughtpatterns by means of our heavenly Holy Ghost and Our words to change them in their innermost being/heart, so that they will start to think as WE do. For We are THE GODS of creation, who create, give life and breath and energy to all… and to all that lives on the earth. We, YHWH-Elohim, are the Elohim above all elohim. We, YHWH-Elohim, are the GODS above all gods. We are I AM. In these last days WE will show, that no-one can flee Our holy judgements, when they will come suddenly and unexpected. Many will fear Us, while seeing the coming destruction that We prophesiced to them. Many will hate Us and will curse Us and blaspheme Us, but that will just be the curse upon themselves. For WE warned all, that judgement would come suddenly and unexpected, and that they should repent and allow Us to save them by means of Our holy work of love and truth and salvation and reconciliation in the power of Our Holy Being and Spirit and Truth and Our holy Son Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach, who died for sinners/transgressors of Gods holy laws/teachings… on the cross/stake/pole/wood of curses on Calvery, to reconcile creation to Me by means of the shedding of His blood/life on the cross… to save all who believe in His work to their salvation and justification and completion in My holy eyes before My holy heavenly Throne. I YHWH GOD AM. Blessed are all who are the sons and daughters of GOD, who I AM, who were the chosen ones from before the foundation of creation. I YHWH GOD AM. They will inherit the Kingdom of GOD as the kings and priests, who will reign with Me and My holy Messiah/Mashiach : Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. For mankind can not inherit the kingdom of God, unless they are born again out of water/words of God and baptism in water… and Holy Ghost of GOD. I AM. You have to be born again to see the kingdom of God… or to enter into the kingdom of GOD here and now… and in future, when WE, My Son and I will return to Jerusalem to Mount Sion/Zion to Our holy place/Temple to live and dwell amoung Our chosen Israelites/Jews and elected ones out of the nations/tribes of the earth and out of christianity. And than We will reign from Jerusalem during 1000 years the whole creation… and all nations will gather there to worship Us, for We are YHWH-Elohim, the Almighty Ones. I AM.

Prophecy 30.10.2018. by The Candle.

The conquerers… and the Overcomers.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One, the Holy One of Israel to the nations :

Soon I will show to all of you, that I AM the Holy GOD of creation, for I will pour out My holy wrath and vengeance upon you, when I will go with each of you in judgement. I AM. My holy righteoussness will prevail. Many were enemies of the cross of Christ Jesus and many crucified Me by rejecting Me and My holy Son and gospel. I AM. Many were willing to be transformed into the Image of My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach and they were/are My sons and daughters and the holy ones in creation, who were My and His wittnesses, who preached and testified about Us and Our heavenly plan and righteousness and work of salvation… to save the elected ones, the chosen ones, from before the foundation of the world. I AM. Many were enemies of My holy choice… and thought that they were the conquerers, who were earthly powerfull and wise and intelligent and succesfull, but denied Us and Our supreme powers and choices concerning those that we would save for eternity… and that we would glorify with Us as THE OVERCOMERS, who were willing to follow Jesus Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach and to pick up their cross every day and to deny themselves every day and to suffer for Our Kingdom and its righteousness and Our holy gospel of reconciliation and salvation in the power of Holy Eternal Spirit of GOD and the precious blood of Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach. Amen. By faith they will be/are saved by means of Our giving goodness and love and grace and truth, concerning these eternal facts in Our Holy Eternal Godly Eyes. I AM. Blessed are all the sons and daughters and children of God, who believe this message and whose hope is in Us and Our grace and love and truth to their salvation in Our holy names. I, YHWH-Elohim, AM.

Prophecy 29.10.2018. The Candle.

The Son of GOD…

This says GOD YHVH the Almighty One, the Holy One of Israel and the nations and tribes of the earth :

I AM the GOD of creation. I never stopped loving creation, but I hated and hate sin. Therefore I had to make a plan to save creation from eternal judgement or punishment. Therefore I sent My beloved Son from heaven to earth into the womb of a virgin, called Miriam/Mary out of the descendants of king David, and My Almighty Hand/Holy Ghost created a body of flesh and bones surrounding His Spirit. And His name was : YHVH saves, the Anointed One/ Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. He was born after 9 months and raised up as God the Son, Immanuel = God with/amoung us, and as a Jew amoung the Jews, and He looked like a normal human being of flesh and blood and bones. He was the Mashiach/Messiah/Christ, who was promised, that would save Israel and the Jews and mankind from their sin by means of His works of love and powers and His teachings and ministry as prophet and apostle… and by means of the Living sacrifice of Himself on the wood of curse on Calvery/Golgatha, where He suffered under the judgement of ME, that was poured out upon Him instead of on mankind. The Innoncent was punished and suffered… and died for the guilty. He fulfilled all that was necessary to save mankind from eternal judgement of God, so that by the shedding of His blood/soul/life the whole creation would be reconciled to Me, the holy GOD of heaven and earth. I YHVH AM. Now I find and have peace in Him and His blood, that speaks by day and night in My holy presence, and in Him, who now lives in My holy presence as the Heavenly Holy High Priest, who has all authority to save all that He wants to save for all eternity by means of His Intercession-prayers to Me and My Holy heart of love and compassion… or because of all powers, which I have placed under His, Jesus Christ’, command and feet. I YHWH-GOD AM.

Prophecy 24.10.2018. by the Candle.

What happened before creation… and afterwards.

This says GOD YHVH, The GOD of Israel according to the Spirit, to the nations and tribes of the earth and to the churches, the Body of Christ :

In these days My word is running throughout all nations and tribes of the earth by means of My holy messengers and wittnesses to glorify My holy Son and Me, for We are One in Spirit and truth, in grace and love and compassion, in faithfulness and mercy and holiness and righteousness and holy judgement. We are I AM. For We are the GODS from past, present and future days. We are YHWH-Elohim, the Elohim above all elohim, which means translated : We are the YHWH-Gods, the Gods above all gods. We, the Father YHWH… and the Son YHWH saves the Anointed One… and the Spirit of GOD YHWH, are One… and the Supreme Commanders and Highest Authority in the heavens and on the earth. We are I AM. We created the heavens and the earth… and we created man and woman according to Our Image. We are the Ones who are the Rulers and Kings of creation, although satan deceived mankind… and still has a great power over them, because of his demands for My heavenly throne from before foundation of creation to give him all authority and power to make people to his slaves, to surpress them and to make them unwillingly artificial worshippers of Me and him. This was not My holy will nor plan. My holy and beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ kneeled down before My throne… and said to Me : Father not My will, but Your will… will be done. And so I glorified Him and told Him and the world of angels, that He would sacrifice himself as a Lamb for the sins of creation, so that whosoever would believe in Him and Me…, and Our love and way of reconciliation and sanctification by Our Spirit and truth and His blood, that would fled from His wounds upon the cross of Calvery and upon the seat of mercy, the place of reconciliation on the Arc of the Covenant,… would be saved by grace, because of this work of salvation and the gift of faith in this message of Our Great Saving Heavenly Love towards them… and creation. Amen.
Now We offer to all eternal life as a free gift, by means of Our loving and healing and life-changing goodness and grace and truth in YHWH-Elohims’and Jesus Christ’ holy names… and Spirit-powers, connected to Our holy names. I, YHWH-Elohim, AM. For we seek those, who are worshippers of Us in Spirit and truth in love to Us, for We love them with eternal love. We, YHWH-Elohim, are I AM.

Prophecy 17.10.2018. The Candle.