I, YHWH GOD, AM the GOD of creation.

This says GOD YHWH the Allmighty, the Source of LIFE :

In these days many departed from Me. They are lost and often feel depressed. Their choice, not to trust Me nor My love nor My grace nor My eternal truths, leeds to emptyness, for I AM the Giver of Life. Those who disconnect with Me will die in their spirit and soul… and will feel very unhappy and will even get mentally ill. Without ME all life and energy will leave them. For I AM GOD and the Source of Life and energy and love and wisdom and I AM the One and Only allmighty GOD in the universes. I AM the  One who calls people by their name and who is willing to give them overflowing Life, when they connect with Me by calling On My holy name and the holy name of My holy Son to get new eternal Life by means of Our loving and giving goodness/grace. My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ said : I AM the way, the truth and the LIFE and nobody can come to GOD the heavenly Father than just by Me. He had to die on the cross of Calvery to become the bridge between ME in heaven and you on earth. His suffering and death on the cross was the atonement for your sins, so that I and He can forgive you your unbelieve and departure from Us… and your sins, so that now WE can restore Our relation with you… and can give you LIFE abundantly if you accept this offer. I YHWH AM.

Prophecy 26/03/2018. The Candle.