The GOD of revelation… and salvation.

This says GOD :

Listen, ye people of the earth, I AM the GOD above all gods. I AM the I AM, who appeared to Moses and many prophets and seeérs and apostles/messengers. I AM the One, who calls them and you by their and your name. I AM. I AM the GOD of revelation. I revealed and reveal Myself to many in visions, dreams or prophecies… or I appear to them in My visible human Temple, called Jesus the Christ. For I AM in Him and He is in Me. We are One. I YHWH GOD AM. Many know about My existence by means of what they see of My visible works in creation. Many by means of wittnesses and their testimonies and holy scriptures, written by My holy Spirit through them. I AM. Many preach My holy words and revelations. Still WE are in control, allthough many deny this fact. Many don’t understand Our ways with and within Our creation. Many seek to understand why things are as they are. And this is exactly what We want. For We want to reveal the truth to mankind, but many are blinded by the lies and deception of evil spirits and evil persons. Still WE are the True GOD’s of the universes. We are YHWH-Elochim : The Father GOD YHWH, the Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and the Holy Breath/Holy Ghost of YHWH. We are willing to set people free from the lies and evil schemes of satan and his demons… and of evil and wicked sinful people, deceivers and liars… and betrayers of the truth and of righteouss people. WE are willing to give people true eternal life by means of Faith in Us and Our holy Truth and Holy gospel. WE will set people free, by means of Our Spirit and words… which are One with Us. I said IN and through and with Jesus the Christ : I AM the Way, the Truth and The Life…. Nobody can find the real GOD… and how HE is… than just by Me and My Son and Our holy Ghost/Spirit and Our holy Words/Gospel/Teachings and Testimonies… concerning past, present and future times. WE are I AM. We are the Elohim above all elohim, the GODS above all gods, We are YHWH-Elohim, the Allmighty One. WE are the Father of creation. My Son Jesus, the True Christ/Messiah/Mashiach, said : I AM the Way, the Truth and The Life… and nobody can come to the Father than just by Me. I AM. WE, the Father and the Son and the Ghost, are One. Blessed are all who come to the knowledge of these eternal heavenly Godly/Divine and Spiritual facts. I AM. Many tried/try to understand who WE were/are, but couldn’t/can’t unless We revealed/reveal it to them. For We are the True GOD(s) of all existing things in the visible material worlds and in the invisible spirit-worlds. WE are the GOD(s) of the heavens and the earth. No-one is more powerful than We are. For We created all powers and energies in the universes, from past, present and future times. All things have their existence in Us. WE can create or destroy as We like or plan or decide. This power of Us is far greater than all powers of the universes. WE can call a universe into existence… or destroy it… as We want. No-one has this almighty power… as We have. We create life… or destroy it. Many fear Us when We reveal to them Our almighty powers, but We are LOVE. We created all things out of love… so that We could show and reveal Our heavenly love and care for creation. Many deny or denied this. Still WE are LOVE. Many dishonoured Us. Many blasphemed Us. Many destroyed Our works of love, because they obeyed satan and his evil desires and lusts more than Us and Our Heavenly GODly Holy Love and righteoussness. Still We seek to save people out of satans snares and lies and evil schemes and grip and web, by revealing the eternal Truth. I AM. Listen, ye people of the earth, I AM GOD… and I call you to seek Me in honest upright serious prayer with own words. Call on Our names and We will answer you… and will sent help to you and deliverance in Our holy names. I, YHWH-Elohim, AM the GOD of salvation in My and Jesus Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach’s  holy name. I AM. And it will happen, that whosoever will call on Our Holy names… will be saved. I AM.

Prophecy 10.04.2018. The Candle.