The Gift…

This says GOD YHWH, the KING of kings… and the LORD of lords :

Many searched for truth amidst the worlds of lies and betrayal. Many were unfaithfull towards Me and My holy Messiah, but still I AM faithfull towards My Word and creation. Many were aware of the fact, that I AM. Still they behaved as if I wouldn’t be. Now they will receive the eternal consequences for what they did. No one can flee My holy judgements, for I AM GOD and My holy invisible Being is My holy eternal Godhood and Godly power and Majesty. I AM. Many will look upon Him, who they pierced through with nails on the cross, for their sins crucified Him. Many will be astonished, when they see what He had to suffer for them. His love to Me and My holy plan and to His brethren/believers… and to creation… brought Him to the cross… and made Him accept the judgement of God on Himself… instead of them. The Innocent died instead of the guilty. He opened the door to eternal life and eternal glory for every-one… by means of the shedding of His blood on the cross. Trust this eternal fact… and receive the Gift of eternal life, that He gives you right here and now in the power of the Holy Ghost and the Gift of faith in Our love. Amen. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 08.05.2018. The Candle.