God says to the nations : Repent…

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of Israel :

Listen, ye nations, for I AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth. Soon I will come down from heaven in the Image of My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. Be prepared, for many liars are telling you that I wouldn’t exist. Soon I will pour out My holy fiery wrath upon godless and wicked mankind according to My holy prophecies and revelations from past, present and future days. I AM. My Holy Ghost is revealing many things to many, who are prophetical gifted in these last days. So be ready to listen or to read their messages… and know that the holy bible is the book that tells you about My holy Being and of the way to eternal salvation by means of repentance and faith in Me and My holy Messiah/Mashiach/Christ. I YHWH GOD AM.

Prophecy.18.06.2018. The Candle.