The maze of deception…

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One, to the House of Israel… and to the nations and tribes of the earth in these last days, before the return of Christ Jesus from heaven :

Look. What do you see ? Chaos, order, a new world order… or just the Beast-system… or the Whore Baylon ? Do you really know in what age you live in these days ? Endtime-prophecies will be fulfilled according to My holy Word and revelations. Many are already fulfilled, but many cann’t see them. Many are blinded by the spirits of deception. Many powers of deception are going forth over the earth. Even in churches. Many are lost in a maze. Many seek life, but find spiritual death and dead. Many are on the road of/to destruction. Many think that they are wise, but are fools if they pretend to be something… allthough they are nothing, for I AM GOD and I work all things out according to My holy will and words. I AM. Many despised Me and My holy Mashiach/Christ… and rejected My holy gospel of salvation, by which they could have been saved for all eternity to enter into eternal glory. But alas, mankind always made the same mistakes throughout all ages. They chose eternal suffering, because they loved the by satan ruled wicked ways of godlessness and idolitry and menmade regulations or religions, that opposed My Holy Way. For I AM The Way, that leads to eternal salvation IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. There is no other way… to be saved for eternity. I AM.

Prophecy 25.06.2018. The Candle.