Why Jesus died on the cross/stake/pale/pole.

This says GOD YHWH :

Hear, ye people of the earth, I AM GOD. I created the heavens and the earth by My Words, spoken in the power of My almighty Ghost/Spirit IN and through My Holy Image, called  Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many don’t know this eternal fact, but My holy apostle-teachings reveal this eternal Truth. I AM. Many are deceived and don’t really know Me nor My beloved eternal Son and Image and Temple of My almighty Ghost and powers and love and compassion and heavenly wisdom and knowledge called Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, who is also the True Menorah in My heavenly Tabernacle and the LIGHT of My heavenly Jerusalem and the LIGHT of creation. I AM. His name I have exalted above all other names from past, present and future days/times/ages, for He fulfilled in perfection My holy will and plan within creation to save and reconcile many people from past, present and future days to Me, by the shedding of His blood on the cross/stake and on the place of atonement on the Arc of the Covenant, which was hidden under the ground in a rock under the cross of Calvery, where Jesus was hanging and suffering for the sins of creation. My holy judgement and holy anger and holy wrath, that should punish mankind, was upon Him instead of on mankind. I punished the Innoncent Son of Me… to save all from eternal punishment and judgement and eternal condemnation, if they accept Me and Him as their Saviours. Now we offer forgiveness and inner peace and the gift of eternal life and grace and love and blessings to all who believe in us and Our holy gospel, by means of Our grace and truth of the eternal gospel of salvation. I AM.

Prophecy 07.08.2018. The Candle.