The fullness of the Deity…

This says GOD YHWH to the nations :

Soon I will show to all that I AM GOD above all gods of the world. I AM. For many think that their gods are awesome, although they worship fallen angels/demons and satan, the defeated enemy. I AM. Look… and be aware of the fact, that I AM in charge allthough it sometimes may seem as if it were not. But look at Him, who was, is… and always will be, who I AM. For I was on earth IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. He is My Son and Holy Temple of the fullness of My deity. I AM. Everyone who saw or sees Him, saw and sees Me. For HE and I are One. Many are not aware of this fact. Many think that He was just a prophet, but He is My Temple. I was and AM in Him and He was and is in Me. We are the GODs of creation, the Elohim above all elohim, which means translated : The Gods above all gods. I YHWH AM.

Prophecy 07.11.2018. by The Candle.