Choices of people… and their eternal destiny.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One :

Soon I will return. Be prepared, for the Son of men, the Son of God, God incarnated, soon will come. Many are concerned about much, but hesitate to accept our good news/gospel or are not willing to follow Jesus Christ or to suffer for Christ sake… and so they reject Us and Our gospel of salvation and Our messengers/wittnesses and Our holy books/biblia… and in doing so, they deny Me and My Son Y.H.W.H. and Our words… and reject their eternal salvation. Many will go lost for eternity and will be thrown into the lake of fire, because they chose the world, which is ruled by satan, and in doing so they chose to become sons and daughters and children of satan… and so his slaves to their eternal damnation. I, YHWH GOD, AM. Many will suffer here on earth and in all eternity, because they refused to be saved by My holy Love and grace and truth and holy saving and reconciling and sanctifying and justifying and completing and glorifying work IN Christ Jesus. I, YHWH GOD, AM. Allthough they could have been saved for all eternity, to live in eternal glory with Us in all eternity in Our heavenly Kingdom, they threw it away like garbage and chose eternal suffering, mourning, weeping, gnashing of teeth and pain. I YHWH wanted to save them, but they rejected. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 13.11.2018. by The Candle.