They lost their innocence…

Hear, ye nations, tribes, inhabitants of the earth : I, YHVH, AM GOD. No-one was GOD before I AM. Many heard the gospel. Many refused to return to Me, for they loved the world and its lusts/desires more than Me. I AM. Still I will try to save people worldwide, for I AM gathering My true flock of heaven, My True sheep, which I had chosen from before the foundation of creation, my real True faithfull children born out of GOD, who I AM. I AM. Many will err in this age, because of the deception that is going around like a lion, who will devour them, because of the evil spirits of darkness that are seeking to distract and blind mankind to its destruction. I AM. Their innocence is not anymore before My holy eyes, for many heard the Truth concerning My holy Being and decided to choose the world instead of My heavenly eternal Kingdom. I AM. Many are lost for eternity, because of their falling away from Me and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and Our holy words/gospel. I AM. Many are deceived and deceivers, willingly or unwillingly, but still under the influence of powers of darkness. I AM. Many are near to their destruction. Many are aware of the fact, that things are getting turbulent on earth and can escalate each moment in wars or several huge crises. I AM. Remember this : I create prosperity or adversity, salvation or doom, according to My holy will, words/prophecies/revelations and plan… and or the choices of persons, families, generations, people or nations. I AM. For many are not willing to acknowledge Me nor My Son nor Our words nor Our Gospel nor Our righteousness nor Our Reign/Majesty nor Our Kingdom… nor Our way of salvation in My and Jesus Christ holy name and His atoning/reconciling/redeeming sacrifice by the shedding of His blood on the cross/stake/pole/wood of curse on Calvery, nor His High Priesthood in My Holy Presence in heaven, to save those who repent… and believe Us and Our Way to their salvation by obeying Our gospel. I AM.
Blessed are those who believe, trust and obey Our heavenly truth in Our words by means of Our giving goodness/grace. I AM.

Prophecy 29.11.2018. by The Candle.