The reward of true believers.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of Israel and creation :

See how people earn money. Honest or not honest. Their works show their hearts. By their fruit you will kow the trees. Not all, that people tell you, is the truth. Many are professional liars/deceivers/manipulators, yes even narcistic and even dangerous, some even killers or serial-killers. Therefore be awakened and on guard and watch the signs of this endtime. The time of destruction is near. Many will suddenly die in their sin, when judgement wil fall upon them. I AM. The true believers and followers of Christ Jesus, the true saints in creation, will be exalted on My holy day, for they will be taken up into the sky/clouds/heaven to be with Christ Jesus forever. I AM. But untill that moment they will have to stand firm in the faith, rooted in the word of GOD. I AM. Those who will endure and overcome, will sit with Me and My Son on Our heavenly Throne. I, YHWH-GOD, AM.

Prophecy 09.12.2018. by The Candle.