GOD reveals Himself.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of the universes :

Soon I will come with great glory to reveal Myself to the nations by means of My glorious Being IN Christ Jesus, when He will appear in heaven on the clouds to take His True Saints up into heaven, so that they will be with Him forever. Amen. I AM. Now, in these last days before His return, everything is being prepared to take His Bride to Him to be united with Him forever. I AM. I, YHWH GOD, AM the King of kings and the LORD of lords and the Ruler above all rulers, in creation, IN and through Jesus Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach, who is My visible Being of My invisible Being that indwells Him, for He is My heavenly Temple of the fullness of My Godhood/Deity, My heavenly Tabernacle, My Heavenly Candle which radiates My glory. I AM. Blessed are all who believe Me and Him, for We are One. We are the Gods above all gods, Elohim above all elohim. We are YHWH-Elohim, the Almighty Ones. We created the universes, the heavens and the earth. WE are I AM.

Prophecy 20.12.2018.by The Candle.