The Messiah… Ha Mashiach.

This says GOD YHWH :

Listen, ye nation of Israel, I AM GOD the Almighty One of Israel and creation. I revealed Myself to thee by means of My spoken and written words. I AM. Many are the tribulations of those who belong to Me and who are faithful amoung unfaithful people in creation. I AM. Many have raised their arms to Me in heaven to pray and interceed and to worship. Still I AM longing for more and more people to worship Me in Holy Spirit and Our heavenly Truth, for Our word is Truth. The true worshippers worship Me in Spirit and Truth, for they remain in Me and My word… and they are focussed on Me and My Son, My Mashiach. I AM. Many don’t know His name, but I will reveal His name to all that I love, for it is the name of the Rabbi of Nazareth, who was called Yeshua and whose foster-father was Joseph and his mother was Miriam/Mary… and they were of the tribe of Juda, and He was born in Bethlechem-Ephratha in Judäa in Israel. He was despised by many of the scribes and pharisee and sadducee, although He was My Mashiach. They hated Him, because they were jealous, for all people of Israel, yes and even some of the goyim, listened to His teachings and followed Him to learn from Him about the Kingdom of GOD and its heavenly righteousness. Their jealousy blinded their minds and hardened their hearts for Him, who was really amoung them in My power and authority, but still humble and meek. In these last days, of this 21 century, His name is still exalted above all other names by My Spirit and our holy angels and holy sons and daughters in the name of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM.

Prophecy 06.01.2019. by The Candle.