Two Candles in Jerusalem.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel, to the nations and tribes of the earth :

Hear, ye people, soon I will come with vengeance, for vengeance is Mine, I AM. Many sinned and sin against My holy nation of Israel, which exists out of elected Israelites and Jews out of the twelve tribes of Israel. I AM. Many inhabitants of the state/land of Israel are unholy… and if they don’t repent I will bring judgement upon them. Soon I will send two prophets to Jerusalem, who will call all to repentance… and will reveal My heavenly holy powers to judge nations in performing powers in My holy almighty Spirit. I AM. Many will fear, when they will see their godly powers and what they will work out in creation. For I AM GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, who can save or destroy. I AM.

Prophecy 07.03.2019. The Candle.