The two prophets at Jerusalem.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel in this age :

Israel, You will hear that I will send two wittnesses/two Olivetrees/two prophets in these last days before the return of Mashiach from heaven. I AM. Many Don’t know this. They will have the same power as Moshe/Moses and Eliyah. I AM. Soon they will appear at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. Many will hear their loud voices when they will proclaim the gospel in Gods power and authority for the nation of Israel and the other nations of the earth. I AM. Many will fear and tremble when they will punish the nations with judgements and plagues and powers. Many godless and wicked people will hate them. I AM. Many will start to seek Me and My Mashiach in honest prayer, because of their powerful testimony. I AM. But only the chosen ones will be heard and saved. I YHVH GOD AM.

Prophecy 21.05.2019. Received by The Candle.