The everlasting Kingdom of GOD.

This says the GOD of creation :

I AM the I AM, the GOD of Israel and creation. Soon I will reveal Myself to creation in My holy Image/Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many will be amazed and shocked when they will see Him coming with the clouds of heaven. I AM. But I AM the GOD of revelation and of prophecy, who always revealed Myself to creation during all ages by means of My words, Spirit, Son or holy angels and saints to chosen ones, who I ordained to holy prophetic or apostolic holy ministries amoung the people during all ages. I AM. Their holy scriptures are amoung you according to the grace I gave/give to you. I AM. They all glorify Me and My holy Son and Our reign from eternity to eternity. I AM. Our Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom from eternity to eternity, for We were the Creators and Kings throughout all ages, although many denied this… and still people are denying this. We were amoung our chosen people of Israel in the past as We chose to be, according to our words and promisses. I AM. When We left them, than it was often to their chastisement or temporary judgement. I AM. But We will show to all that We are the YHVH-Elohim. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 23.06.2019.