To the emergency-centers of the USA.

This says GOD YHVH to the emergency-centers of the USA :

See and hear and experience that there will be many disasters in the USA, because of the evil and wickedness of many in the USA. I YHVH GOD AM the GOD of eternal judgements on earth and in eternity. I AM. Many are not willing to acknowledge, that I AM already judging. Many deny My almighty power and the fact that I will repay people their evil deeds. I AM. Many states will be hit with several disasters, because of the iniquity and wickedness and godlessness and lawlessnes of the inhabitants. I AM. Many call on God when they are in need, but they don’t commit their lives to Me nor to My beloved Son Jesus Christ. Many seek their own lusts and worldly desires, but deny Me in their words and deeds. Soon I will reveal My holy power to all of mankind. For many desire signs and wonders, but are not willing to quit with evil/sin/lawlessness. Therefore I will sent them a man, who will proclaim to be God, but He will be the deceiver of mankind. He is the image of satan, his son. He will be radiant and a mighty speaker and very intelligent, but will lead many to eternal destruction and punishment by his lying and deceiving words and wonders and miracles and powers. All who didn’t love Me, nor My Son nor Our holy Gospel/Words, will be deceived by this false person and his false prophet. For they will try to rule this world, but they will only succeed for a very short while, for I will destroy them by the Breath of My holy Mouth on the day that I will come down from heaven to destroy them at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM.

Prophecy 04.09.2019. Received by The Candle.