Word to the Romans…

This says GOD YHVH to the Romans :

Hear, ye Romans, many think that you would not exist anymore, but you still exist… in a different way. Many of you are now a spiritual hierarchy, but not as holy as My holy True Church of My beloved One, Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach. Many of you are a mixing of traditions and Judaism and of pagan religions and of christian values. But many of you are not born of water and Spirit of GOD YHVH, who I AM. Many of you even err in the ways you worship and of who you worship. Many of you are idolaters, because they kneel before statues or images of “saints”, which are not true saints, but the images of pagan “gods” or “goddesses” , but renamed after christian saints of the bible. Many kneel or bow before them and look at them and pray to them, and think that they pray to the True saints, who can do intercessory/prayer for them before My heavenly holy Throne. But alas, I have to disappoint you. They will not do intercessory for you in My holy Presence, for they were fallen angels and demons or sinful people, who were rebellious towards Me in their lives and who will be punished in the eternal lake of brimstone, sulfer and fire. I AM. There is just ONE Mediator between Me and you and that is My holy beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. He is the High Priest in My holy Presence in Heaven, who will do intercessory/prayer for those who believe in Me and Him to their salvation, according to the True Gospel/Good News/Word of GOD that will save many who believe. I AM.

Prophecy 03.10.2019. Received by The Candle.