This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :
Hear, o nation of Israel, I AM GOD. Your hearts have to be changed by My Spirit and truth concerning your eternal destiny. Many of you are godless. Many of you are even idolaters and many of you don’t know Me. I AM. Some of you are very dedicated towards “holy books” that I would not accept as being holy. For many of your Rabbi’s were not always inspired by My holy Ghost/Breath/Ruach, but by deceiving spirits of this world. Many of them even blasphemed My holy eternal truths concerning My beloved Son, the Mashiach, who was already amoung you in the past… and which is known to many of you as Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Return to Me… and accept Him as the Lamb of God, who was slain for the sins of My people of Israel. The Innocent was judged by Me instead of the guilty. I AM. Accept that He was crucified for your transgressions of the Thora, so that He would die instead of you… and would be resurrected from the grave… and would appear to many of His followers… and would be taken up into heaven, so that He is now a High Priest in My holy Presence, who prays and interceeds for those who believe in Him… to their salvation. I AM.
Prophecy 15.10.2019. Recieved by The Candle.