The True GOD speaks…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the human beings in this temporary creation :

Hear, ye human beings, soon I will reveal to all My holy Being. I AM. For many heard My holy gospel and words of God and holy messages or read holy scriptures or holy testimonies or read holy chronicles, concerning My holy infuence and work in creation to save elected ones of Israel and the Jews and the nations/goyim and of christianity. I AM. Many had their own thoughts concerning these holy messages and prophecies and testimonies and experiences of these wittnesses or their scriptures. I AM. But know and understand this, I AM the GOD who spoke and speaks to all of mankind, so that they all will know who the True GOD is among all these several “gods” and “godesses” of the past… or of these days. I AM. Many worship and serve idols, blinded as they are in their hearts and minds and understanding by the schemes and evil snares of Satan/Lucifer and their demons. But I AM the GOD of saving grace. I AM the GOD who will take the veil away that covers the multitudes, for I AM the GOD of truth and reality and facts. I AM the GOD who created all visible and invisible material and spirit-worlds/dimensions. I AM. I AM the all-knowing GOD. I AM the Source of all existing things, that I called into existence by means of My almighty powerfull Ghost/Spirit and dynamis/powers/energies. I AM. For I have the powers to speak and to transform My spoken words into existing things in the material worlds and in the spirit-worlds. I AM. I AM the almighty GOD, who is Ghost/Spirit… and I AM the GOD and Father of creation. YHVH/YHWH is My holy name forever. I AM.

Prophecy 09.01.2020. Received by The Candle.