And the gates of the kingdom of death will not prevail…

This says GOD YHWH :

I AM. My holy grace is sufficient to save all who believe by means of My grace through faith in Christ Jesus/Jesous Christos/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Many have heard My call to their heart in the last 2000 years and many were astonished about My love and grace IN Christ Jesus and the work of reconciliation by means of the shedding of His blood on the cross and on the Mercy-Seat on the Arc of the Covenant. I AM. Still many left Me, although I warned them no to leave Me and My holy Covenant in His precious blood. I AM. My holy church/holy gathering of saints, who washed their spiritual clothes in the blood of the Lamb of GOD and in the living water that flows from My heavenly Throne, which is God’s word, has always existed, since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, throughout all the ages by means of My grace and truth… and the work and gifts/charisma’s and ministries and the work of the powerful Holy Spirit and holy angels, who ministered to them by day and night. I AM. For I said to Peter, by means of My holy Ghost in My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, that I would build My True Church/Temple/House of GOD/Ecclesia/Spiritual Body of Christ Jesus on My revelation to a person that Yeshua/Jesus/Jesous is the Mashiach/Messiah/Christ/Christos/Anointed One with Holy Ghost… and that He is the Son of Me, the Living GOD. I AM. And I said to Peter and the apostles, that the gates of the kingdom of death/scheol/hades would not prevail against her. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 04.02.2020. Received by The Candle.