What GOD hates…

This says GOD YHWH :

I AM the GOD of love and truth and grace and mercy. I AM. Alas, many don’t know Me. Therefore I will sent My holy messengers among mankind to reveal My heavenly True Message. I AM. Many are still seeking for life, but are caught up with the sins and snares and evil of this godless and lawless and anti-christian world-system. Soon I will make an end to this when My holy judgements will be poured out upon those who rejected Me. I AM. For I AM a holy GOD… and some already feel My holy wrath/vengeance towards their soul and suffer in their innermost being. For I hate it when people hear(d) My heavenly Message and reject(ed) her and chose/choose for another religion… or mix their knowledge of My Message with the false teachings/doctrines of other pagan religions… and by this mix their faith in Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ with the religions of satan/lucifer and their demons/fallen angels and unclean spirits, who dishonor Me and My Son and Our holy Message/Gospel/Good News concerning the work of reconciliation on the cross of Golgatha/Calvery in the crucified Christ Jesus and His precious blood/soul/life. I AM.

Prophecy 07.02.2020. Received by The Candle.