To the Ecclesia/churches…

This says GOD to the churches/Ecclesia of the endtime/last days :

Hear, ye Ecclesia/churches of the last days/endtime, I AM GOD the Almighty One of Israel and creation. I AM the GOD and Father of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ/Jesous Christos, My beloved Son, and who is the word of God that became flesh and blood. I AM. Many churches proclaim and teach and profess this fact. Many are preparing themselves for My and His return, for the time is near. No-one knows the day and the hour which I have preserved in My own will and plan and heavenly schedule. I AM. Still there are many who always try again to find out about year, month, day and hour, but I AM the Only One who knows. Even My Son and the holy angels don’t know the day and the hour that I have in mind… and have prepared according to My wisdom and knowledge of all things. I AM. Soon I will reveal to My faithful ones the things I want them to know… and to reveal to the True churches of Christ Jesus concerning these endtimes and the near future. I AM. Many have already prophecied or revealed or taught about them, according to the grace and truth I gave. But many also were/are deceived by false teachings. Therefore I will increase the workings of My holy Ghost to make the truth known to many in these last days of this endtime. I AM.

Prophecy 21.02.2020. Received by The Candle.