This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, to the nation of Iran :
Hear, o nation of Persia/Iran, I know your circumstances. I see your suffering. I know the reasons why. For I AM the GOD of creation. Now I ask you to accept the fact/reality of My holy Reign in creation. For I AM a holy almighty GOD and Ruler, who leads the hearts of kings and rulers on earth according to My holy will and plan. No-one can defeat Me. Nor My chosen ones, unless I allow it to happen. For I AM the GOD who sent His Mashiach/Messiah/Anointed One with Holy Ghost/Christ… called Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, who is My Chosen One… to save all who accept His message and life-giving and blessing and eternal-life-giving message, like it is written by My holy Ghost by My holy prophets and apostles of Israel. There is no other message, which can take curses away from a person, family or town/city or region or country or nation. I AM. For it is Me who gave Him as a ransom for the souls of mankind on the wood/cross of Calvery/Golgatha, to save their souls from My wrath and judgements and punishments, because of their transgressions of My holy Thora/Law. I AM.
Prophecy 04.06.2020. Received by The Candle.