This says GOD :
“Hear, o Israel and Jerusalem, I AM the I AM. The GOD of Abraham, Isaack and Jakob/Israel. I AM the GOD of the twelve tribes of Israel. I know where the true descendants are in creation… and I have already sealed 144.000 out of them. I AM. They will walk with Me in glorious white robes and will stand with the Lamb of God on the Mount of Zion. I AM. For I know them by name and called them out of the nations to be My holy wittnesses on earth in these last days. I AM. For I AM the Faithful One of creation and of MY True and holy and chosen Israel, My holy people, who are really chosen by Me from before foundation of creation… and sealed with My holy seal here on earth. I AM. You have to know that many don’t understand the time that they are living in nor the time that they are facing right now. I AM. I wrote the apocalypse… not you. I AM. I AM the One who knows in what arear you live and what you will see and experience of the things that are written in My holy scrolls of My former prophets and apostles of the Lamb of GOD. I AM. No-one knows really in what time they live. Many have revelations, visions and explanations of My holy scrolls/books/biblia. I AM. My GHOST is True LIGHT, LOVE and GLORIOUS HEAVENLY POWER in Me and My name and the name above all names : Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesus the Christ. I AM. My name will be exalted above all nations in My own name… and in the name of My Holy Son in whose name I AM revealed : Yeshua = YHWH saves/heals/is salvation. I AM. My GHOST is TRUTH and will never lie. I AM. Hear, o Jerusalem in Israel, I AM GOD, but I AM not pleased by your way of life. Many of you belong and behave as sons and daughters of the Whore Babylon and of Sodom and Egypt. I AM. Very soon I will send My two holy wittnesses to reveal to all nations and tribes and to all of mankind that I AM GOD, YHWH-Elohim, and no-one else. I AM. Many of you will fear and tremble when they, clad with sackcloth, suddenly will be clad with My glorious power and Holy Ghost in a way mankind never saw nor heard nor experienced ever before. I AM. For We are the Elohim above all elohim : YHWH-Elohim. I AM. No-one was ever before I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of creation and of Israel.
Prophecy 20.10.2021. Received by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL.EU.