Demon reveals the “evil” of The Injections…



Posted by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Pharmakeia means Sorcery / Magic… done by Satanists / Luciferians… and all workers who work with powers of evil and darkness or fallen angels and demons and unclean spirits or other “gods” or “godesses” or paranormal powers/gifts of evil forces of darkness, who are in denial or fight and war against GOD YHWH/YHVH and Jesus the Christ / Jeshua Hinoshri Wamalech Hayehuddim / Jesus the Nazarene the King of The Jews. They all try to get people with them, the fallen ones, into hell/second death/lake of brimstone and fire. Their jealousy towards mankind, that people can enter into glory by repentance and faith in the Savior Jesus the Christ to reign with GOD and Jesus the Christ in all eternity in glory in the Eternal Heavenly Kingdom of God, and that the fallen ones can not enter into the glory… is the reason why they want to possess and kill as many people as possible by pharmakeia/ and pharmacy, which is created by Satan Lucifer, fallen angels and evil spirits and their “science” connected to Satan, demons, fallen angels… and robs people their faith in the power of GOD… and makes them slaves of the lies and deceit of the fallen ones, by which they will be hardened towards GOD’s TRUTH… and will not repent or will become incapable to repent or to be changed to their salvation, because of becoming possesed by these evil entities. Revelation/Apocalypse chapter 17+18. The Whore Babylon… By Satan inspired Religions deceive all of mankind by their Pharmakeia to get them into hell. Only Jesus Christ / Jeshua ha Mashiach can save them out of this evil world of deceit, seduction, betrayal and idolatry and all kinds of derailment and torture and cruelty and murder. Only He and His GOD and Father and the Holy Ghost can save them out of these snares and schemes and vipers/snakes lying spirits… and people, who are their servants / slaves, willingly / counciously or unwillingly / unconciously.

GOD YHVH alone and His Son and Their Holy Ghost and Their holy angels can save people out of this evil system by revealing the Truth to them by Their Holy words/holy revelations/holy prophecies / holy dreams / holy Heavenly Visions… and by casting evil spirits out of them to set them free… in Jesus Christ holy and glorious almighty name and by this also in the name of His Heavenly Glorious Almighty GOD and Father of creation, the Great I AM. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-Elohim. Amen.

God says in His Word :

“Go out of her ( Whore Babylon / Mystery-religions), so that you will not be a partaker of her evil and of the plagues that are on/in/among her.”

Revelation 13. + 14. + 17 + 18. are NOW !!!

The number, name, mark, injection, number of the name of the Beast-system-world-wide-web- NWO – is now being fulfilled in these days. People who are going with the world-wide-flow of injections… are partakers of sorcery/magic and will be condemned by GOD, unless GOD gives them the grace to see what is going on… and to admit the truth and to admit their being seduced, betrayed and deceived… and are willing to return to GOD in obedience to His words/Gospel and ask Them for forgiveness and are than willing to follow Them in obedience till they end…. in eternal glory to be with Them forever… and GOD will answer their calling on of His name to their salvation with : “Yes and Amen.”

Therefore call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and His heavenly GOD and Father of all creation and ask/beg them to save you from spiritual dead… and to give you eternal life as a Gracious gift of GOD, because of Their Righteousness and Holiness and Purity and LOVE and True Heavenly Glorious LOVE and True Care and work of salvation IN Jeshua Hamashiach/Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvery… and the shedding of His precious Blood… that speaks by day and night before God’s Holy Eyes… by which They reconciled all of creation to Them to the forgiveness of all sins, that were done out of ignorance or weakness.

John 3 ; 16. Jesus said :

For GOD so loved creation, that He gave His only- begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him… shall not perish, but will have everlasting LIFE.

The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL EU.


“The injections are connected to 666 and one with 666 in the holy Eyes of the Almighty GOD of creation, The Great I AM. ” ; Says the Spirit of Jesus the Christ/ Jeshua ha Mashiach, the Son of the Living GOD, the word of GOD, that became flesh and blood, the Logos.

Prophecy 18.12.2021.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.