This says GOD YHVH :

“Look around, what do you see ?

The Revelation 13. being fulfilled in your life. Reason : Total control by the Beast-system/kingdom or new-world-order and the injection of 666-related nano-technology and graphite-(hydro-)oxite and even other technological and bio-and chemical “ingrediënts” that will kill/murder and harm billions of people, when it is spread in your cells and rna and dna… and by this changing your foundation, that God laid in your body of flesh and blood and bones… according to His holy will. When the “ingrediënts” will get activated by the electro-magnetic-pulse-waves of 5G… and 6G and 7G in future days, than people will be unable to live their own will anymore. For they have them in their frontallob of their brains and elsewhere in their brains and body and nervesystem completely taken over. As robots they will do whatever the “emporer”, the man in the highest global position, will order them to do by his co-workers and their High Tech and IT-Digital High Ways to hell… For many do not understand or are even not willing to understand… or are even stubborn… and not willing to listen how serious the time is that they are living in. Many still deny or discuss about Revelation 13. Although they are in the middle of the Fulfillment of these facts/reality. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the GOD of creation, YHVH-Elohim. Amen. “Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, many of your churches and their leaders are wolves in disguise and teach false doctrines and false teachings and even denied and falsefied biblical prophecies and revelations… and how to understand them. Many religions worldwide are being deceived by Pharmakeia/Sorcery/Magic… and these again had or have power over the Beast-worldwide-global-internet-connected and Artificial-Intelligence-connected-and-related Worldkingdom… or global-new-world-order, lead by the false prophet/anti-christ, who all want you to become one with Satans/Lucifers anti-God and anti-christ godless wicked world-domination…. to lead you to eternal destruction and condemnation… and second death, which is the lake of brimstone and fire. You are warned not to take the “vaccine”/ “injections” nor the other “cures” nor the chip in your hand nor in your arm… nor in your forehead, where the center of your will and his decisions is centered. Do not accept any electronic tattoo nor other things that they want to bring unto or into your skin. For the modern pharmakeia, occult/secret knowledge connected to pharmacy and technology and science and its use, is against My holy eternal laws… and holy eternal will. For it will change rna and dna and the behavior and feelings and emotions and even the appearance of people… or even opens by their drugs the door to their spirit for evil spirits of darkness, by which they will get possessed and will loose their self-control and will be hardened towards Me and My holy Son and Our Holy Ghost and holy Gospel to their own destruction and eternal suffering. I AM. For by demons or fallen angels or unclean spirits possessed people are most of the time not capable anymore to believe nor to repent… and will go lost for all eternity in a place of eternal torment. For they became in God’s Holy Eyes like those who possessed/possess them.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD, the Great I AM of all universes, visible and invisible realms/dimensions.


Prophecy received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.