The Creator speaks to His creation…

“Hear, o creation, I AM your Creator. I AM the Eternal GOD and Father, who is Ghost and Light and Love and Truth and Righteousness. I AM the LIFE. I AM the Source of True LIFE. I AM the GOD who created all heavens and the earth. I AM. I AM the One who spoke throughout all ages. I AM. Do not doubt for I AM the I AM, the Living One, who speaks right here and now… and I tell you : Do not fear what mankind can do to you, but fear Me the Almighty One, for I AM the One who has the power to create and/or to destroy. I AM the One who has the power to save or to give over to destruction. I AM the Healer and I AM the One who sent all the men or women of Me, that were capable to do My works and to show who I AM and how I AM by their words, works or testimonies or prophecies or powers that I gave them througout ages to reveal that I AM their GOD and their Savior and the JUDGE of the living and the dead. I AM. Know this : I AM always the same. I never changed nor will I ever change. When you read My holy scrolls/holy scriptures of My holy anointed ones… than realise that I AM speaking to you by their words in the power of My Holy Ghost. I AM.” ; Say the LORD GOD, Adonai YHVH, the GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel, the Great I AM.

Prophecy by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
