What happens… and its purpose…

This says GOD :

” If I would appear now to Israel and the nations, than I would be too early. For I have a plan that has to be fulfilled. First the nations have to be tested if they worship and believe and obey Me… or if they follow their evil, wicked godless and unbelieving heart. I AM. My Spirit is grieved by many utterances of those who tell other people that they know Me, although they often deny Me in their works. I AM. My holy Son Yeshua/ Jesus the Christ / Ha Mashiach has many followers, but not many true disciples. Many fell away during trials, temptations or persecution… or because of the worries of the world. I AM. Now, in these days, we see the same from heaven. My holy word is very precious… like a treasure in the field. I AM. Many lost their mind… while I poured out My holy judgements in the past few years. Still many are not willing to accept that I AM already judging mankind and nations and even Israel… or should I say : The inhabitants of the State Israel. For MY True Israel is Spiritual and focussed on Me and My Son, te True Mashiach, who will come very soon from heaven with his holy armies… to save the remnant of Israel, while the nations and their armies are waging war against Israel. But I will never allow them to destroy all of My Israel/remnant. I AM. In these days we see a shift. A separation between those who take the injections, who will kill many… and harm many… and even wil make people soon to robots when 5 G is totally installed and activated, and between those who do not take the injections of the Old Serpent/ The Old Snake/ The Red Dragon. Many prophecies, that are of Me and My Son, are very clear. We reveal, by the great deception and the temptation that is now going on, who are Our true faithfull ones… and who not. I AM.” ; Says the Almighty One of creation.

Prophecy 15.02.2022.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.EU.