This says GOD :
“I AM the I AM, the One and Only GOD of creation. I AM. Many knew that I was and always will be The Same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. I AM. My House/Temple/Tabernacle is known to those who really knew and know Me. I AM. Many suffer IN christ Jesus/Yeshua Hamashiach while being persecuted by the Beast and the Whore Babylon at this moment… and in near future… as long as they are on earth. I AM. Till the moment that I will take them to Me in eternal glory, they will be persecuted in several ways by the evil one and his slaves. I AM. Many heard the Gospel/Good News of heaven and the Kingdom of God and The Temple of Me, the Living GOD and of My beloved Son Yeshua Hamashiach/ Jesus The christ. I AM. Alas, many left Our House/Temple, for they loved the world and Mammon more than Us. I AM. Nowadays many were challenged to make a choice between the mark/name/number or number of the name of the Beast and Beast-internet-www.-system of these last days… or the Kingdom of God and its righteousness in following Jesus The christ/Yeshua Hamashiach till the end by getting out of the Beast-system by refusing the vaccines/injections of the global elite and world-order… and the most chose/choose for the Whore Babylon and the Beast… by taking the vaccines/injections of The Old Snake, which were/are all connected to 666 of the barcode-system of the Beast-world-government / NWO/ New World Order, which is the fulfillment of Revelation chapter 13 in these days. I AM. Many churchleaders deny this eternal fact, for they are not willing to tell you the whole truth, for than they would be held accountable by their churchmembers that they failed to warn them… and even took themselves the Mammon-666-injection, that gave and gives them the possibility to remain in the anti-God and anti-christ-world-banking-system. Many are members of the Laodicea-endtime-church, that was/is luke-warm… and loved/loves money and wealth and luxury and satisfaction of the lusts of the flesh and earthly comfort more than Me and My beloved glorified Son Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesus The christ and Our True Gospel. My Son said : “I AM The Way… The Truth… and The LIFE… and no-one will enter into the Glory of My Father than only by Me.” He said : “He who wants to follow Me has to pick up his own cross… and deny himself every day.” “He who loves his father, mother, wife or children more than Me… is not worthy of Me. I did not come to bring peace, but the sword… to separate father from son… and mother from daughter… and mother in law from daughter in law. And in one house two will be against three… and three against two… and the people of your own household will be your enemies.” I AM. Those preachers and teachers and “man of God” who deny these facts are unrealistic… and are even enemies of My True Gospel. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel and creation, the great I AM, glorified in heaven and in the earth throughout all ages by His Holy Ghost and words and holy angels and holy wittnesses.
Prophecy by The Candle/ The Voice in The Wind / The Menorah.
Received by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.