and all other Holy messengers of GOD and His holy Son Jeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus the Christ and His Holy Ghost and their Holy Scrolls / Holy Writings / Holy Testimonies / Holy Scriptures / Holy Biblia / Holy Books… and through Holy angels.
This says GOD YHVH, The GOD of Israel and creation, to the nations and Israel in this End-Time :
“You are watching teevee and the internet of all things, but I warn you not to remain in this world-wide-web-internet-total-control-banking-Mammon-666-barcode-related-anti-Christ-other-Mashiach- world-Beast-system of Revelation 13. You are facing the total fulfillment of Revelation 13 in these days, which will lead to the fulfillment of Revelation 14 and its end-judgment… that is mentioned there… for/to those who took the charagma/mark/name/number… stigma/injection… or number of the name of the anti-christ/other mashiach /false prophet and his Whore Babylon and Beast-system… or New World Order, which is already being manifested in these last days…. before My Holy return to the earth in My Holy Temple / Holy Tabernacle / Image : Jeshua/Jesjoea/Yeshua/Jehoschua/Jahushua/ Jesous/Jesus… Ha Mashiach / The Christ/ The Anointed One with the Power of the Almighty GOD and the fulness of His Holy Godhood/Deity/Ghost, who will restore the True Heavenly Kingdom of GOD and His reign on/in the earth… visible at Jerushalaim/Jerusalem in Israel in the Middle-East… as promissed to Israel/ the twelve tribes of Israel. I, YHVH-GOD, AM the Great I AM, the GOD of the heaven and the earth. I AM the I AM, who spoke to Moses, the man of God, who led Israel out of capitivity and slavery of/to the king/pharao of Egypt… and led them to the promissed land, that I promissed to My friend Abram/Abraham, who I called out of Ur in Chaldaä… to go to the promissed land Canaan, where he and his descendants would live forever… if they would remain faithfull to Me and the Covenant that I made with them. Although they were often unfaithful and often were chastised/judged temporary… I promissed them to bring them back to the promissed land, which would be an everlasting inheritance to the True descendants of Abram/Abraham, Isaac and Jacob… who was later on called “Israel”, which means translated : “Warrior of God”. I AM.” ; Says the Almighty One, who ruled and reigns the heavens and the earth.
Words of GOD / Prophecy the 15.05.2022.
Received by The Voice in The Wind / The Menorah / The Candle.