This says GOD YHVH/YHWH/The LORD GOD of creation and of Israel :
“Hear, ye created ones by My Holy Ghost and words and powers, I AM your creator. You are not a product of evolution, but created by My Spirit and words and holy will and powers and love and grace and truth… and the saving work that I worked out in and through My Holy and Beloved and Glorified Son Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many of you were raised in a world that was/is the enemy of Me, for Satan has taken control over many, who were not willing or were/are not capable to believe and trust and obey Me. I AM. Therefore I had to come down from heaven to reveal Myself to a little tribe, that I chose, to make it to a great nation that even would be a wittness/candle/menorah to all other tribes and nations of the earth. I AM. I even chose one man and gave him the promiss that I would make his Seed to a blessing to all nations and would make him to a Great nation and would give him many descendants like the stars in heaven. This man is known by many as Abram, who was later called by Me Abraham, which stands for “father of many people/tribes/multitudes”. Throughout all ages I revealed Myself to chosen people, so that they would be, as anointed ones with Holy Ghost, My holy wittnesses to al other people… concerning My Holy Existence and how I AM the One and Only True GOD of creation. I Am. Many heard throughout all ages about the Seed of Abraham, who was and would be The Mashiach/Anointed One, The Son of GOD, who would come to save creation and mankind out of the evil forces of darkness and Satan… and the powers of evil and wickedness and out of the slavery to sin, which means that they, by Our grace and love and truth and powerfull holy Ghost, would be set free from captivity to doing evil according to the evil in their own bodies and in the air and in people in creation, by means of Our Glorious Heavenly Giving Goodness or Grace… by the gift of faith in Us and Our work of Salvation… that would be worked out By Us in and through the Mashiach/Christ, My beloved Son, who would be judged, although He was compleet Innocent, as a criminal… and be slain as a lamb on the wood/pole/cross of curses on Calvery/Golgatha, outside of the walls of Jerusalem… for the transgressions of Our holy commandments by those who were weak and or enemies of Us, because of the deception and seduction and manipulation by the forces of darkness. I AM. The Innocent had to die for the guilty. And all the demands of My holy law/thora HE fulfilled… and even became the ransom for the lives/souls/blood of those who were transgressors and in reality deserved eternal curses and destruction and eternal suffering, because they did the works of The Evil One : Satan/Devil/Lucifer. Now the Entrance… into Paradise and into The Kingdom of GOD and into My Presence… is openend to all by means of His work of reconciliation, for He shed His precious blood for the sins/transgressions of all of mankind, so that all now can return to Us and into Our Eternal LOVE and Presence and Glory. I AM. All true saints of past, present and future heard this message… or will hear her and believe her… and will stick to her and to Us… and will walk with Us through this earthly temporary live… to end in Eternal Glory… with US. All people on earth are called to this Eternal Glory/Eternal LIFE… by means of the preaching and teaching and prophecies and revelations that We gave and give concerning the holy Eternal Reality of Our Holy Heavenly Plan with and in creation. I AM. Alas… not all people believe or trust Us… nor Our message nor Our wittnesses/messengers. But We will try to reach out to all… to save all We chose and choose to become Our beloved children… so that they again would become/will be Our holy ones/saints and worshippers in Holy Ghost and Truth of Our Eternal Truths, so that they will be Our Heavenly Light and Heavenly Salt… in this temporary creation… to save and heal and to love “good” and “evil” people… to show Our gracious love to all. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHWH/YHVH… The Almighty One of creation and Israel.
Prophecy/Words of GOD to the created ones by His Spirit, powers and words.
Received by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.