This says GOD :
‘You are welcome in My heavenly Glorious Kingdom and Holy Spiritual Temple, when you are born again and are willing to serve Me… till the end… in following My beloved Son Jahshua HaMashiach/ Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. My holy Heavenly Bride/The True Spiritual Holy Ghost filled Israel is one with My holy Heavenly Glorious Perfect Bridegroom, My beloved glorified Son Jahushua HaMashiach/Jesus the Christ, the living One, who is seated at My right Hand on Our Throne. I AM. Many heard this before. My holy Ghost, which reveals and prophecies still the glorious heavenly things to elected ones, will reveal and prophecy and teach all the things people have to know to get and remain saved for Eternity… as far as they are open to Our Heavenly Glorious Everlasting Truths. I AM. Many fell away from Us after having heard Our Gracious saving message. Our love still bears them although We know that they are living towards eternal suffering. I AM. If We are not willing anymore to save them, than they will be thrown into the kingdom of death. I AM. But the chosen ones, who were really focussed on Us and Our Kingdom and Eternal Righteousness and love and truth and grace… and who overcame this temporary evil world by means of faith in Us and Our Eternal Gospel of salvation, will reign with Us in Our Heavenly Glorious Kingdom as Holy priests and kings in Eternity. I AM. Glory, glory, glory… follow Me IN Jahushua HaMashiach /Jesus the Christ, who was and is My Image/Temple in wich I dwell with the fullness of My GODhood. I AM. He who saw/sees Him… saw/sees Me, for I AM in Him and He is in ME. I AM. We are ONE. Soon We will appear at Jerusalem in Judea in Israel in the Middle-East. I AM.’ ;
Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The Great I AM, Adonai YHWH.
Words of GOD / Prophecy 21.10.2022.
The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah / The Tabernacle.
Received by Jean MP Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.