How God saved/saves … Jews,Israelites … and many out of the gentiles/goyim … nations.

HOW GOD SAVED / SAVES … Jews, Israelites … and many of the gentiles/goyim .. for Eternity.

This says GOD YHVH :

“In these last days I will reveal who the real Jews and Israelites are … and who are not. I AM. For many claim to be Jews but are not. And many claim to be Jews, but are members of the Synagogue of Satan/Lucifer, which I will destroy when I will return from heaven with The True Mashiach and the holy armies of holy angels and saints, glorified holy people. I AM. No-one will flee that judgment. For I AM the Almighty One, El Shaddai. My name was… is… and will remain glorified throughout all ages, even now where many Jews, Israelites and even christians deny My holy name. I AM. I AM Adonai YHVH-G’D and I will bring judgments upon the wicked, godless and lawless and even proud people of all levels. Our YHVH-Elohim Universal High Command-Forces, under the leading of the seven-stars General Y.H.V.H. will bring judgment upon judgment upon, over and into many on earth who are evildoers, wicked ones, cruel and disobedient and lawless and stubborn people, who love the Mammon and sexual derailment and earthly power and adoration more than Us and Our Holy will and plan according to Our Holy Prophecies and Revelations. I AM. I AM the GOD and Spiritual Almighty Father of creation and of the True Spiritual obedient Israel that really honors and worships Me … and that knows who the True Mashiach was, is and always will be. I AM. My True Mashiach was born at Beth-Lechem and was/is out of the Tribe of Juda. He is The King of the Jews, The Lion of Juda. Many heard it, thought about it, but rejected it under the influence of people who were/are hardened towards Us and Our Holy Ghost and His revelations and prophecies. I AM. Many faithful wittnesses were/are persecuted … by the ignorant ones or deceived and seduced ones of the twelve tribes of Israel and of other nations or tribes of the earth … by that evil spirit that reigns in the air and influences the minds, spirits, hearts of Israelites and the people of the nations who don’t have real understanding of the holy scrolls/scriptures/books of the holy prophets, seers, revelators and holy messengers of Me, the GOD of creation, the GOD of the heavens and the earth. I AM. I called Moses and Aaron and sent them to deliver Israel in his days. And now I will sent two prophets who will be like Moses and Eliyah to deliver The True Israel and True Jews out of the Whore Babylon/the by Satan/Lucifer/the fallen one reigned religious deceiving and seducing powers, who even ruled and reigned throughout the ages all the kingdoms of the earth when they fell away from ME, the Living GOD of creation. I AM. Soon I will erase billions of people who were/are not willing to accept My holy Message of My True Holy Mashiach, known as Yeshua Hinoschri Vamalech HaYehuddim. He is My Faithful Wittness, Who fulfilled all of the Law/Thora without ever transgressing one of the instructions/commandments. He fulfilled all that was prophecied concerning His creation, birth, life and suffering and dead and ressurection from death and the dead and the grave/tomb … and His return into heaven to be glorified with the Glory He already had with Me … before He came down to the earth to enter into the womb of His mother … and My Holy Almighty Ghost created a body of flesh and bones around His Spirit … and He was born as “Yeshua” , The One who would/will save the True Israel from their sin/power of sin/slavery to sin/possesion by demons … to set them free for Eternity, so that they are a holy people / Spirit-filled holy nation, that will really worship Me, the GOD of Israel and creation in Holy Ghost and Truth. For such worshippers I seek … For many were/are idolaters and do not really follow Me in My Holy Mashiach, who was given over into the judgment that evil mankind deserved. For the True Innocent One, Yeshua HaMashiach, became the Lamb of GOD that was slain for the sins of Israel, so that all who believe in Him … and His Living Sacrifice of Himself on the wood of curses on Calvery/Golgatha … would be counted their faith in His atoning/reconciling/redeeming sacrifice as righteousness before Me the GOD of creation. For all transgressed during their lives the Thorah and were/are guilty in My holy Presence and deserve punishment/judgment. But I know that the sacrifices of animals, according to the Thorah, can never take away the sins of mankind. The rituals in the Tabernacle in the desert … and later in the Temple at Jerusalem … can never safe a human person, but is just a shadow of the True Holy Heavenly Everlasting Tabernacle/Temple of ME, The Living GOD of Israel and creation. I AM. Only a Perfect son of men … and His reconciling blood/soul/life can be the ransom for their souls/lives/blood on earth. I AM. And so We, YHVH-Elohim, decided that We would give a perfect Lamb of GOD/Passover/Pasha/Pesach-Lamb, the son of men, My beloved Son … Who is the Savior under My almighty Hand of all who believe Our works of saving grace and love and truth and of reconciliation, sanctification, justification and completion and glorification of all who believe Us and Our holy Everlasting Good News. I AM. Our grace and love and truth will save all who believe Our Saving Message. I AM.” ;
Says The GOD of creation : YHVH-Elohim, who created Adam and Eve/Chavah …
Prophecy by The Candle / The Menorah / The Voice in The Wind of Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Breath of GOD.
06.10.2024. NL. EU.