The Commander in Charge … of the Universal High Command of The YHVH-Elohim-Forces … speaks …

This says The King and GOD of The Universal High Command of The YHVH-Elohim Forces :


“In these days I will reveal more and more My holy powers in nature and in the visible and invisible realms. Many were already confronted with My Reign in the universes/kosmoia/Cosmos. I AM. Still there are liars and deniers of My GODhood/Deity. But I will humble them … if they are willing to be or remain stubborn towards My holy Reign and work in creation by My holy prophets and holy messengers and holy wittnesses and testimonies in My holy name or in the name of My holy Mashiach/Anointed One/Christ. I AM. My holy name is glorified in the name of My True Mashiach, for His Name Yeshua HaMashiach means : YHVH saves The Anointed One. Those who resist Me in Him and Him in Me and Our Holy Message and works of saving grace and mercy and truth and love and compassion and glorious righteousness … and of reconciliation on the wood of curses on Golgatha/Calvery by His precious soul/life/blood  as the ransom for their souls to be saved for eternity … willl judge themselves to their condemnation, if they remain envious towards My Holy Spirit and holy messengers that are led by My Holy Spirit and/or holy angels from Our Heavenly Throne and Power and Majesty. I AM. Therefore I urge all of mankind in these last days to turn around. Back to Us … and to Our Good News, also called the New Covenant in the Blood of The Lamb of GOD, by which all will be reconciled and justified in Our Presence. For We so loved/love Israel and creation, that We worked out the Saving Work … according to the words of the prophets. Read Psalm 22. and Isaiah 53 about the man who was led to the slaughtery like a sheep … to be slain for the transgressions of Israel. I AM. Look at the suffering of My Servant, The Mashiach, in these prophetical verses written/discribed for those who have a heart to understand Our Holy Plan to save many. I AM. In these holy words of these holy scriptures you can see the suffering of The Anointed One/True Mashiach/Scepter of Juda/Lion of Juda/Star of Jacob, The One who is the Radiance of My Eternal Glory, The Expression of My Glorious Being and The Carrier/Bearer of My Eternal Powers of My Almighty Spirit and The Power of My Almighty Words …  by which I created the heavens and the earth in six (6) days. I AM.” ;
“Says The Almighty One of creation and of The True Israel, 
that believes and trusts and obeys Me, the GOD of all that was, is  … or ever will be. I AM. ” ; 
Says the Spirit of GOD. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-Elohim. Amen.
Prophecy by GOD’s Spirit/Holy Ghost/Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Breath of GOD/The Wind 7.