GOD YHWH, The Father, to the Endtime-Church in Europe …

This says GOD YHWH to the church of the Endtime in Europe :


John 3+10. +  14 – 17. + Romans 8.  +  2 Cor. 3.  +  Gal.5. 

Life out of/by/in/in the power of / under the Leading/Guidance of The Spirit of GOD = Being a real son of GOD.

For GOD and His Spirit and His Words and Son of GOD and True Disciples are One.

Hear, o Endtime-churches in Europe,

I know who you are and how you are gathering and what you are preaching/teaching etc. I AM. My holy Name is mentioned by many of you, but also denied by many of you. But I know about the secrets of your hearts and intentions of the deepest innermost being of all of you. Nothing remains a secret, because My holy Eyes see everything. I AM. Many of you disobeyed Me and My True Mashiach / Christ / Anointed One/ Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus The Christ,  My beloved and glorified Son. I AM. Many denied Us in several situations, because of your fear for men, which is a trap by Satan. Satans power is the fear for suffering and death in a human mind. But My beloved Son has overcome him … and His Spirit in the true believers has overcome the fear for dead or death. I AM. Read the letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament of the holy scrolls/biblia/bibel… and understand the true gospel-depth … to be set free from the false teachings that are going around on earth. I AM. I reconciled all to Me by My holy Son/Child, The Heavenly Glorious Everlasting High Priest … according to The Holy Heavenly Order of Melchisedek /King of Heavenly Rightousness, King of Heavenly Shalom / Salem / Peace. I AM. He sprinkled His own Blood on the mercy-seat/place of reconciliation before the eyes of the holy Cherubim/holy guarding angels of GOD’s Throne and before My holy Eyes … to make peace between Me and fallen mankind and creation … to enable all to come back into My holy Presence, without being condemned … unless they willingly refuse to be reconciled to Me, by Our saving work in Christ Jesus / Yeshua HaMashiach and His Blood on the wood of curses/cross of Calvery/Golgatha and on the Ark of The Covenant, after having heard and understood The Only Way to be saved by Our Grace through faith in this Eternal work of salvation in Christ Jesus / Yeshua HaMashiach and His Blood, which was/is/remains The Ransom for the souls/lives of mankind to purchase them … and set them free from the rights/claims that Satan has on their souls/lives, because of the transgressions of the holy Law/Thora … which gave/gives Satan the right to take over total control of their hearts, spirit, soul, body/lives and to posses them … and use them as his slaves to do his evil and to lead them with him to the  eternal kingdom of death/sheol/hades and places of eternal torment and even second death/lake of fire and brimstone.  Jesus ‘/ Yeshua’s Blood and His resurrection from death/sheol/hades and the dead and the grave/tomb and His return into Heaven, seated at the Right Hand of GOD, saved/saves people out of the powers/slavery to Satan/Lucifer and the slavery to the powers of sin/evil/darkness  … and death, dead, sheol/hades and all places of torment. I AM. There is no condemnation anymore for those who are IN Christ Jesus / Yeshua HaMashiach reconciled, sanctified and justified and completed and glorified in GOD’s Holy Eyes, because of YHWH-Elohims saving work and grace and love and truth in His Name and in The Name of His Glorified Almighty Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus The Christ, The Living One and Savior of all who believe this Good Message … and  stick to this holy message and Our/GOD’s promises and  follow Him till the end and remain His witnesses by testifying to other people concerning this great Heavenly Work of GOD’s Interference in the misery of fallen mankind… to save many by means of grace and love and truth and faith in This New-Life-Creating Message. I AM. Without faith, in this holy work of saving grace and of salvation, it is not possible to please ME, the GOD of creation, YHWH-Elohim, The Judge of the living and the dead by My Words. I AM. Blessed are all who believe ME more than the lies and deception …  and seductive reasoning and temptations inspired by Satan/Lucifer in the minds/hearts/souls/feelings/body of mankind to lead them astray and to eternal condemnation and fire/eternal suffering. I AM. Glory to/in/over all … who overcome this evil fallen world and who belong –  because of Faith in Us given/created in them by Our Grace and love and truth and Holy Ghost … and faith and trust and relying on Us and Our Work and Message   to Our Heavenly People/Saints … who will inherit Our Heavely Glorious Eternal Kingdom of GOD and Paradise on/in The New Heaven and The New Earth of Eternal Glory. Amen. I AM.”  ;

Says The Almighty GOD / EL-Shaddai of creation and of Israel and of all flesh and blood and bones and of all living beings, who have Breath of Life / Spirit of Life / Life-Energy / Holy Dynamis  … in them by GOD’s Giving Goodness/ Grace.

“Amen. Hallelu-YHWH-Elohim. Amen.” ; Says The Spirit of GOD.

Received by The Candle 7 / The Menorah / The Olivetree / The Wittness / The Prophet of the Endtime.
