This says GOD YHVH to the nations of the EU : Hear, ye nations of the EU, I YHVH AM GOD Almighty. I AM the Creator and Sustainer of all. I AM. Many heard about Me. Many already kneeled in churches before Me… and […]
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
To the inhabitants of the earth…
This says GOD YHVH to the earth and her inhabitants : Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM GOD above all. I AM. My holy power is capable to do immeassurable more than you ever can ask or even imagine, for I AM […]
Word to the Romans…
This says GOD YHVH to the Romans : Hear, ye Romans, many think that you would not exist anymore, but you still exist… in a different way. Many of you are now a spiritual hierarchy, but not as holy as My holy True Church […]
To the news-websites… and media.
This says GOD YHVH to the news-websites and media : Hear, ye news-websites and media, I, the LORD GOD YHVH, hear and see what you are doing. I know what is true and what not. I see your hearts and lives and know what […]
To the holy people of Israel…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the holy people of Israel in the endtime : Hear, ye holy people of Israel of the endtime, I, the lord GOD YHVH, AM your GOD and Heavenly Father. I AM. Many of you […]
Former things will be revealed… and judged.
This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel : Hear, o nation of Israel, I AM GOD, your GOD. I AM the King above all kings and the LORD above all lords. I AM the Ruler above all rulers and I AM the […]
To the emergency-centers of the USA.
This says GOD YHVH to the emergency-centers of the USA : See and hear and experience that there will be many disasters in the USA, because of the evil and wickedness of many in the USA. I YHVH GOD AM the GOD of eternal […]
The Sword of the Spirit… and the Iron Rod… of GOD.
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation : Hear, ye nations of this endtime, the time is near, that I will take up My holy Sword of the Spirit of GOD/the Word of GOD… and the Iron Rod… to hit the nations. […]