Judgments of GOD…

This says GOD :  “When people turn against each other than My judgments have begun. For My Sword of the Spirit of GOD will divide the churches and the nations against one-another, because they all were not faithfull towards My holy prophetical and revelational […]

God kondigt aan…

GOD spreekt… Dit zegt GOD : “Zie, IK keer spoedig terug naar de aarde in Mijn Beeld/Zoon Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesous Christos/Jezus De Christus, het vleesgeworden woord van GOD, de Logos, die de uitstraling is van Mijn heerlijkheid, de afdruk van Mijn wezen en de drager […]

GOD speaks to the professor…

This says GOD to the professor that betrayed the science by his greed : “You heard about Me and My holy existence, still you denied Me. Now you are facing the consequences. I AM.” ; Says the GOD of creation, the universes, cosmos, the […]