Author: The Voice in The Wind.
GOD YHWH, The LORD GOD, speaks to the nations… Message by : The Voice in The Wind of Holy Breath of GOD / The Candle.
GODS WEG… om te bevrijden en te genezen… ( Dutch.NL.) 05.08.2023.
Over beproevingen van het geloof van Job, Jezus, Petrus. ( Dutch.NL.) 04.07.2023.
Het Evangelie in vogelvlucht uit OT en NT… ( Kleine marathon-prediking)
Awakening Message to churchleaders… and/or followers of Jesus The Christ…
The kingdom of Satan… vs … The Kingdom of GOD…
REALITY/FACTS of this Endtime.. NOW !!! Holy message to the endtime-churches… Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind of Holy Breath of GOD/Ruach Hakodesh.