Message by The Voice in The Wind of Holy Ghost/The Candle. Message of 10.06.2023. Posted on 12.06.2023.
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
Dingen, die U zou moeten weten… 10.06.2023.
Nederlanders, HEMELBURGERS… en de Hoer…
God speaks to endtime-christians… ( Dutch.NL.)
WORDS OF GOD/ prophecy… to all who have ears to hear… and eyes to see and to read… and spirit/mind and heart to understand… — Jean Schoonbroodt (@jmpschoonbroodt) June 3, 2023
The New Wave… of deceit… a temptation to all…
This says GOD YHWH… to Israel and the nations and tribes of the earth : ‘Hear, ye Israelites and nations and tribes of the earth, I AM YHWH-GOD, The GOD of the heavens and the earth. I AM the Almighty One of creation. For […]
Concerning Holiness… in these endtimes…
Message by God’s Giving Goodness by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. 27.05.2023.
GOD tot de gelovigen…
The Greatest Teacher that ever has been…