This says GOD to the prophet of the endtime : ‘You were called to prophecise… to the nations and tribes of the earth and to rulers and kings and priests and to people in high positions local, regional and provincial and national and international […]
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
The Almighty One of Israel and creation speaks… 15.12.2022.
GOD speaks to Israel in the desert.
This says GOD YHVH to Israel in the desert : ‘Hear, o Israel in the desert of this age, you are very welcome at My House, for I AM a gracious GOD who is merciful and holy and righteous and a healing and blessing […]
Wanneer wordt een mens door God geoordeeld ?
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Zeer kort woord.
Dit zegt GOD YHWH, De GOD en Vader van de schepping… 11.12.2022.
De Ware Kerk van Jezus de Christus… 10.12.2022.