Message by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
GOD speaks to The True Israel…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of the True Israel walking according to the Spirit of God : “Hear, ye real Israelites, I AM your GOD and Savior. Remain in Me and My words and in the faith in the true Mashiach. I AM. […]
Personal Testimony… Jesus at my home…
Der Lebendige GOTT erscheint den Menschen…
Very short Gospel-message…
GOD to those of the last 10 years…
This says GOD : ‘You walked in the valley of the shadows of death, but I AM the Resurrection and Eternal LIFE. I AM.’ ; Says GOD to all who had this experience the last 10 years. 24.10.2022. JMPS. NL. EU.
Tot de Ecclesia, die de Hoer Babylon verliet / verlaat en het Beest… 24.10.2022.
Christus leven = Heerlijkheid. Mammon = 2 e dood. 23.10. 2022.