Botschaft durch Gottes Gnade im Namen Jesu Christi. 23.10.2022.
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
GOD says : ‘Welcome to My glorious Kingdom.’
This says GOD : ‘You are welcome in My heavenly Glorious Kingdom and Holy Spiritual Temple, when you are born again and are willing to serve Me… till the end… in following My beloved Son Jahshua HaMashiach/ Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. […]
About the time people are now living in…
This Says GOD : ‘Hear, o ye people, I AM the Only One who knows in what time you really live. Revelation 13. It is already fulfilled since the eighties… and is still being fulfilled, although many still deny it. I AM. My wrath […]
GOD YHWH spreekt tot de heiligen in deze eindtijd… 17.10.2022.
Sanftmütige Predigt für Nachfolger Jesu… Durch Gottes Gnade in Jesu Christi Namen ; The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean MP Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
GOD remembers the choices people made…
This says GOD YHWH : ‘You are called to be a holy people, sanctified in Spirit and truth by means of Our giving Goodness or grace. I AM. My Holy Spirit was sad when he saw how many were lusting for the fulfillment of […]
Bemoedigende Evangelie-boodschap…