Dit zegt GOD YHWH : “Zie, IK ken uw wel en wee. IK ben bekend met al uw wegen. En daarom adviseer IK U : Keert om… en wel tot Mij… en verlaat uw geheime genootschappen en hun dwalingen. IK BEN. Mijn Geest is […]
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
BEREIDT… DE WEG… voor YHWH, de Almachtige, de Heilige…
10.06.2022. The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah.
GOD SPEAKS… to the nations…
https://www.bloggen.be/jmpschoonbroodt/archief.php?ID=3289076 10.06.2022.
“Wahrlich, ICH sage Dir Heute : Du wirst mit Mir im Paradiese Gottes sein…”
09.06.2022. Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Call to Ukraine… and the Worldleaders… to return to the TRUE GOD… and to make peace…
Message by… Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU. 08.06.2022.
GOD SPEAKS… about His two Endtime-Prophets…
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/jeanschoonbroodt/686489129893216256?source=share 08.06.2022.
Test yourselves… if you ever heard/understood the True Good News of GOD…
This video tells you the Good News of GOD… to get into eternal glory with God forever… Check… if you ever heard her before or really understood THE WAY… to get into Heaven, and the Kingdom of GOD/New Heaven and New Earth. Message by […]
FACE REALITY / FACTS… and quit your false teachings in your churches and bible-studies…
This video … is a statement … of a former Russian Leader… for/to people who still think that the Apocalypse will be fulfilled in the last seven years, called by many the great tribulation. They were/are all deceived… for the Apocalypse/revelation is already going […]