Message by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
GOD SPEAKS… to the churchleaders.
This says GOD to Egypt : “Hear, Egypt, you heard My Voice in the past while My Holy Ghost was preaching to you by My holy sons and daughters who taught you about Me, the GOD of Israel and of creation, YHWH, the LORD […]
Jezus / Yeshua / Yahushua… de Hoge Priester… die met Zijn eigen offer de redding /verzoening bewerkte…
01.05.2022. Boodschap door Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
God speaks to the remnant of Israel…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel that lives according to the Spirit of GOD created in Yeshua haMashiach’s Spirit and words of God : “You are chosen as My holy Testimony amoung the nations and tribes of the earth. I AM. Many […]
Tot de Engel der Huis- Gemeente…
To all wittnesses of Adonai YHVH…
This says GOD to the YeHoVaH-Wittnesses : “Hear, My beloved ones, your name is dishonored. Even My name, because of the works of the flesh in your midst… and the evil that happened by the unfaithfull and those who fell away from Me and […]
Concerning China… The Red Dragon…
Prophecy / Words of GOD by The Candle / The Menorah / The Voice in The Wind of Ruach Hakodesh… Received by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU. 25.04.2022.